The 21st Century World of Work
is here and it's

The fast paced changes in technology, demographics, and society have upended the work, workforce, and workplace which are the very triad of energy and interplay that drive results in your organization. Does your culture type and organizational agility align with your business strategy?

If you don't know - what IF you did?

Built to Change and Built to Last ™

At we help organizations improve their effectiveness. We do this through a wholistic approach in which businesses synchronize and integrate their three key components of organizational effectiveness: human capital practices, alignment of culture type and strategy, and organizational agility- all which propel an organization’s success in the 21st Century marketplace.

We tackle three key issues driving employers concerns about competing in the 21st Century business environment:

How AI and automation impact our job roles, our structure of work, and the type of skills our employees need.

Alignment of our mission, vision, and values with the organizational culture of our future.

Our people's ability to capitalize on internal and external opportunities as well as keep pace with changes in our marketplace.

Succeed in the 21st Century!

The Future360 Readiness Index™ determines how well your human capital systems, culture type, and organizational agility align with your strategic radar.

Future360 Forward™ is a companion series of solutions, targeted with exacting precision, to address the conditions revealed in the Future360 Readiness Index™. These solutions ultimately integrate and align business strategy, culture, people and organizational agility.

example of report gauge

What is the value of being future forward?

Built to change and built to last

  • Your culture type, values, and people strategically align with your actual competitive and market environments.
  • Your workers are more motivated, engaged and productive.
  • Your organization more effectively adapts your assets [people, process, data] to exploit opportunities and mitigate threats to your business.
  • Your workplace brand attracts, develops, and retains high value talent.
  • Your internal influencers and leadership teams align, inspire, engage and drive faster business results.
  • Your workers are more creative and collaborative to drive impactful decisions.
group success

How We Do It

Our four step process makes it easy for you. Click on each of the steps below to learn more.



FEE: No charge

WHAT IT IS: Step/action to diagnose your organization's Future360 Readiness Index™ based on your current human capital practices. Results are reported across three categories as Future Laggard, Future Ready, Future Forward.

HOW IT'S DONE: A 10 minute online diagnostic

NEXT STEP: Sense Making



FEE: No charge

WHAT IT IS: Step/action to learn about the changes that technology, demographics, and society have created in the workplace relative to how your human capital practices rank against those required by the 21st Century World of Work.

HOW IT'S DONE: Attend a 45-minute video meeting with Kim S. Baker who will debrief you on your results. This meeting is available to two client attendees.

NEXT STEP: Meaning Staking



FEE: $3,500-$5,000

WHAT IT IS: Step/action which:
1. Identify the alignment of your organization's culture type and strategic radar to support driving future business results.
2. Assess your current ability to capitalize on opportunities and mitigate risks related to your business.
3. Stake out your priorities and select next actions to boost your future-readiness and move future-forward.

HOW IT'S DONE: Attend a workshop session with your senior leadership facilitated by a consultant.

NEXT STEP: Action Taking



FEE: Dependent

WHAT IT IS: Step/action comprising:
1. Implement targeted Future360 Forward™ program(s), tools, and resources.
2. Initiate ongoing evaluation of results and impacts.

HOW IT'S DONE:™ options exist for self-implementation and professional implementation

NEXT STEP: Awareness Waking (part of a continuous improvement process)

Get started today

Register and take the FREE iFuture360 Readiness Index™ diagnostic.

For more information contact us by email at